Working on the former BBC site we were tasked with demolishing the remains of the burnt down pavilion building. This included clearing the area of vegetation and rubbish. The team then began breaking the concrete floor, exposing suspected hidden basements as they worked their way into the building. Works included removal of below ground services, clearing of drainage runs and removal of an old oil tank. Trial excavations to locate and record the size of the foundations were carried out.
All the concrete arisings (approximately 600 tonnes) were crushed by a 30 tonne mobile crusher. Not only did this remove the requirement for disposal off site it also allowed us to form a large hardstanding that could be used in the next phase of the project.
On this project we were able to use all of our own plant including a 15 tonne and 9 tonne Takeuchi excavator as well as our new 6 tonne dumper and ride on roller.